Groupes du membre
A retired master car thief must come back to the industry and steal 50 cars with his crew in one night to save his brother’s life.
The aging patriarch of an organized crime dynasty transfers control of his clandestine empire to his reluctant son.
Despite trying to keep his swashbuckling to a minimum, a threat to California’s pending statehood causes the adventure-loving Alejandro de la Vega (Banderas) — and his wife, Elena (Zeta-Jones) — to take action.
Forrest Gump, while not intelligent, has accidentally been present at many historic moments, but his true love, Jenny, eludes him.
A human-looking, apparently unstoppable cyborg is sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor; Kyle Reese is sent to stop it.
Jason Bourne dodges a ruthless CIA official and his agents from a new assassination program while searching for the origins of his life as a trained killer.
In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a highly skilled thief is given a final chance at redemption which involves executing his toughest job to date: Inception.
In 13th century England, Robin and his band of marauders confront corruption in a local village and lead an uprising against the crown that will forever alter the balance of world power.
14th-century knights transport a suspected witch to a monastery, where monks deduce her powers could be the source of the Black Plague.
Two men who keep an eye on aliens in New York City must try to save the world after the aliens threaten to blow it up.
An office employee and a soap salesman build a global organization to help vent male aggression.
A faded professional wrestler must retire, but finds his quest for a new life outside the ring a dispiriting struggle.
Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.